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Calls For Service Last Year
Stations to Serve You

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Beaumont EMS is a division of the Fire Department and the sole 9-1-1 provider for the city. They average 19,000 requests for service each year. We maintain an exceptional level of clinical expertise through effective training, continuing education, quality improvement and the application of current medical technology. The City of Beaumont EMS provides this exceptional emergency care as an extension of definitive medical care regardless of age, sex, race, or financial status.

Message from the Chief

As the Chief, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Beaumont Fire-Rescue website. I hope you find it a valuable resource for our citizens and visitor’s to the City of Beaumont. Every day the members of our department protect the lives and property of the citizens of Beaumont. I am truly honored to be the Chief of the Beaumont Fire-Rescue.

Our mission is to provide prompt, quality community services with the highest level of Professionalism. We, the men and women of the Beaumont Fire-Rescue will respect the public, ourselves and our fellow employees at all times. Our Pledge is service above self.

Earl White, Fire Chief

“Stand at the top of a cliff and jump off and build your wings on the way down.”

Available 24/7 to Serve You

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