Construction Review
Confused about code requirements? We’re here to make your project as seamless as possible.

General Construction Plans
The fire marshal and city building official review general construction plans to assess the scope of work, type of occupancy, type of construction, size of the building, and other pertinent information. The fire marshal uses this information to determine if the plan has addressed important life safety and fire code issues. Some of these issues are assessed by answering the following:
- Have life safety requirements been addressed? (maximum occupancy, travel distance for exits, exit/emergency lights, etc.)
- Is there adequate fire department access in case of fire? (required surfaces, fire lanes, widths, turning radius)
- Have required fire protection needs been addressed? (required fire extinguishers, knox box, etc.)
- Have required fire protection systems been addressed? (required sprinkers, fire alarms, fixed systems, etc.)
- Have required water supply needs been addressed? (required fire flow, number of hydrants, etc.)
Did You Know? The City Offers FREE Pre-Construction Meetings
If you’re in the planning or design phase of a construction project, the city’s development team is available to assist you. Representatives from each department come together weekly to review development projects and provide feedback on codes-related issues. Pre-construction meetings are held weekly and must be scheduled through through the Building Codes Division at 409-880-3792.
Pre-construction meetings are provided as a service to assist citizens in understanding code requirements as plans are being developed. Pre-construction meetings are not for approving final plans. Final construction drawings must be submitted, reviewed, and approved to ensure code requirements are being addressed.
I’m Confused About Code Requirements. Can You Help?
If you have questions specifically about fire or life safety codes, call the Fire Department’s Community Risk Reduction Division at 409-880-3905 or email [email protected]. A fire marshal will answer your question or schedule time for a consultation.
If you have general questions about City Requirements, contact the Building Codes Division at 409-880-3792 or [email protected]
Fire Protection Systems Plans Review
Installation of fire protection systems requires a permit. Please refer to the Permits page to access information about application and submission requirements for fire protection systems permits.